
Speaking of integration with Elucidat...

This feature allows you to activate the integration with the Elucidat tool, which is a Web application for creating content in SCORM format, which can be viewed within the application itself or be exported for external use.

With active integration, it is possible to import content created in Elucidat to the registration of content on the platform, which can be used in training, classes and events.


To have this feature displayed, you must first acquire the artifact and public and private licenses at fluig Store. Then, you must install the artifact in the Component Center. More details in Integration with Elucidat. After performing these procedures, this feature will be displayed in LearningManage.

Make integration with Elucidat

01. In the main menu, place the mouse over Learning.

02. Click Manage.

03. Place the mouse over Manage.

04. Click on Elucidat content.

05. Define the requested information.

The requested information is:

Enable integration
When enabled, it determines that the integration with the Elucidat tool is active, allowing to import SCORM-type content created in it. In this case, the button is presented with the call ON, stating that the feature is active. When activated to disable the feature, the button is presented with the call OFF, meaning that the feature is disabled.

Public key
Public key received when requesting integration.

Private key
Private key received when requesting integration.

06. Click on Test keys to test the validity of the keys informed.

07. Click on Save.

Please note!

This documentation is valid from the 1.6.2 update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.