Child pages
  • Transfer of Rights between Users

How to transfer parameters from one user register to another


Microsiga Protheus


11 and 12

Step by step:

Protheus allows you to transfer settings from one user register to another. The parameters that can be transfered are:

  • User parameters
  • Groups
  • Branches
  • Menus
  • Accesses
  • Time
  • Restrictions
  • Privilege
  • Working Paper
  • Question Setting

To Transfer Rights, follow the procedure below:
- Access Configurator > User > Passwords > Users

- Click on the Source user, which will have the parameters copied, click Other Actions (Related Actions), and click Transfer Rights.

- In the following window, select the Target user (which will receive the parameters), and check/uncheck the Parameters you want to copy.

- Click Confirm.

All Target user parameters that have been copied from the Source user are overwritten.
