See the list of error codes returned by TOTVS | Application Server, set as  TOTVS | License Server,  and by the hardlock or its respective driver.

Error codes of  TOTVS | License Server




TOTVS | License Server is not responding.



Error in parameters.

It occurs in case a query performed about the total amount of licenses of a specific number of slot that is invalid, exceeds the largest number of slot provided in the license key.


Due date invalid.



Error in section [LicenseServer], of configuration file of TOTVS | Application Server.



Internal error unexpected.



There already is a license in sue for this 'Owner' (IP Server+Port+Number of thread).



Date of TOTVS | License Server differs from the date of TOTVS | Application Server.



Unable to change the type of license, the previous one remains.



(Numerator) Key not found.



(Numerator) Key already exists.



Indicates the license operation failures. 

Maybe, there is no license in use for this Owner (IP Server+ Port+Number of thread) or because TOTVS | License Server cannot access the licenses file.


Indicates the operation of reservation use of number cannot be completed with the indicated number, as other process is using it.



Indicates the operation of reservation use of number cannot be completed with the indicated number, as it already exists in the numbering record.



Indicate the pulse to renew a stateless license cannot be executed, as this consumption record was canceled/reversed.



Unable to get the type of license requested. 

It occurs because licenses of the requested type are no longer available in the server.


Number of processes exceeded.



License expired (date).



Error in Checksum. Check if ID entered is the same of the document, and if data were properly typed (expiration date, number of licenses of each environment and number of Checksum).



HASP not found.



Error in the attempt to save configuration file.


Error codes of HASP




HASP device is not connected or HASP driver is not installed, in this case, refer to installation topic of HASP driver.


Failure in the authentication of HASP devices, contact TOTVS technical support.


Failure in the authentication of HASP devices, contact TOTVS technical support.


Loss of connection with HASP safety device.

Contact TOTVS technical support in case you see a not documented error code in the 400-499 range in the list above.

Error codes COMPACT-500




Driver Compact-500 not installed (only in Windows environment).


Plug Compact-500 not found in parallel port and/or USB.

Hardlock error codes or discontinued drivers


 The list below has the error codes returned by a hardware or discontinued driver.




Time-out: error in written operation (HASP).


Address out of limits.


HASP safety device is not connected or HASP is not provided by TOTVS.


HASP not found, but this is not a MemoHASP (that is HASP type used by TOTVS).


Error in written operation (HASP).


HASP error: parallel port is not available now. Other device connected to it, such as, a printer, is active.


The size of the buffer is very small. This error only occurs when services require a minimum size of buffer.


Hardware does not support the requested service. This service requires a HASP4.


Access to ID of HASP is forbidden because an application is being run through a remote window 'Citrix Mainframe' or 'Windows Terminal Server' (for safety purposes, the application can only be run in its own computer).


Access to ID of HASP is forbidden because an application is being run in 'Citrix Mainframe' or 'Windows Terminal Server' ('service pack' 4 is needed to detect if it is being run in its own computer).


A parameter passed to service is not valid or is out of the limits.


Unable to open the HASP driver. Install Hasp Device Driver according to the installation guide of the TOTVS | License Server  (installation of HASP Windows/Linux driver).


Unable to read the HASP driver.


Unable to close the HASP driver.


Unable to open the HASP driver. Refers to DOS applications.


Unable to read the HASP driver. Refers to DOS applications.


Unable to close the HASP driver. Refers to DOS applications.


Service invalid.