TOTVER, na próxima Segunda-feira 26/08, à partir das 22h, haverá uma manutenção no TDN para habilitar o acesso via HTTPS, sendo assim o TDN ficará indisponível das 22:00 às 23:00.
Caso você ou sua equipe possua alguma ferramenta interna que faça integração com o TDN, talvez seja necessário ajustar para o novo protocolo.
Start: allows the user to access the classes, training and tracks they are registered for, and manage classes they are responsible for;
Training courses/tracks in progress: it allows for viewing the student's education plan with regards to training courses and tracks, the information related to each one of them and the possibility to perform some actions, such as attend the training course or cancel the enrollment;
History of training/tracks: it allows for viewing a student's learning history in training courses and tracks, namely the training courses and tracks that they have already completed, as well as their respective information, such as status, end date, enrollment date, among others;
Class history: it allows for viewing a student's learning history in classes, namely the classes that they have already concluded and their respective information, such as status, end date, enrollment date, among others;
Extracurricular activities: it allows for sending the extracurricular activities for the class teacher to make the necessary corrections.