The following tabs make up the Control Panel:
- General: it has features to manage the platform, such as registration of users, groups, roles, parameters, permissions and task scheduler;
- Processes: it provides administrative features to automate processes such as working hours, form themes and holiday registrations;
- Documents: it has administrative features to manage the information in documents, such as registration of subjects, icons, customized fields and watermarks;
- Collaboration: it provides administrative features to manage social interaction such as the creation of communities, notifications, relationship clouds, and reports;
- WCM: it has administrative features that allow you to manage the information in portals, such as control of the created pages, component center, themes and indexation;Learning: it has administrative features to manage Corporate Education information, such as accounts and tracks and training settings.
Tip |
Access the help center by clicking the icon , located in the upper right corner of the Control panel menu pages, for specific information on this feature and links to related documentation. Learn more. |
Info |
This documentation is valid from update 1.6.12 on. If you use an earlier version, it may contain information different from what you see in your platform. |