
Speaking of messaging...

Messaging is a real-time communication tool that allows platform users to interact from the web platform and mobile devices. This feature also allows you to create notes for documents published in document browsing, hold virtual meetings and events, where participants have access to the content made available in advance or during the session, and can also interact with each other.

This area allows enabling the messaging feature and configuring its settings. To enable it for the first time, you can use your free version or the version acquired in fluig Store.

Enable messaging

01. In the main menu, click Control Panel, then check People container and click Messaging.

02. Click on Enable account.

This option is presented on the first access, when messaging is not yet enabled on the platform. By activating it, an account is created with the free version of messaging enabled for use.

03. Set up the desired messaging settings.

The requested information:

Real-time conversations
When enabled, this option enables messaging in real-time conversations. After you enable it, ON is displayed, indicating that the feature is active. When that feature is disabled, OFF is displayed.

Notes on documents
When enabled, it enables to use messaging to create notes on documents published in document browsing. When starting a note, the document is sent to messaging creating a new conversation with all the resources available in a normal conversation. After you enable it, ON is displayed, indicating that the feature is active. When that feature is disabled, OFF is displayed. This button can only be changed (enable/disable feature) when the real-time conversation is active.

When enabled, this option enables messaging in meetings. After you enable it, ON is displayed, indicating that the feature is active. When that feature is disabled, OFF is displayed.

Update interval
Time interval between messaging updates. Available options are:

  • Off;
  • 5 seconds;
  • 10 seconds;
  • 30 seconds;
  • 1 minute;
  • 5 minutes.

Enable a notification on your desktop
When enabled, it determines that a notification will be sent to the desktop when the authenticated user receives a new message while browsing the platform or has it minimized. After you enable it, ON is displayed, indicating that the feature is active. When that feature is disabled, OFF is displayed. This feature is only available in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers. This button cannot be changed (enable/disable the feature) when the option chosen in "Update interval" is Off.

Enable a notification in the title
When enabled, it determines that the number of unread messages will be displayed in the browser page title. After you enable it, ON is displayed, indicating that the feature is active. When that feature is disabled, OFF is displayed. This button cannot be changed (enable/disable the feature) when the option chosen in "Update interval" is Off.

04. Click on Save.

By saving the information, the free version of messaging will be active on the platform, allowing meetings and virtual events, as well as real-time conversations between users. 

Test connection

01. Click on Test Connection, located in the upper right corner of the window.

To activate this option, you receive a message indicating the status of the connection with the service of messaging, i.e. whether or not available. 

Disable account

01. In messaging configuration window, click on Disable account.

When clicking this option, Messaging is disabled on the platform and the entire conversation history is deleted.

Enable account with messaging version acquired in the fluig Store

01. In the messaging configuration window, inform the code of the version you acquired in Org ID field.

02. Click on Enable account.

03. Set up the desired messaging settings.

04. Click on Save.

Edit messaging settings

01. From the main menu, press Control panel.

02. Click on Collaboration.

03. Click on Messaging.

04. Edit the desired settings.

Information about the displayed fields can be obtained from the basic path. 

05. Click on Save.

Please note!

This documentation is valid from the 1.6.5 update - Liquid. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.