Child pages
  • How to: Application of Licenses through applylic.key file or totvslic.key file

After the physical installation of the hardlock and its respective driver, you must apply licenses through applylic.key file or totvslic.key file to release access to systems of product lines.

applylic.key and totvslic.key

Each one of the files (applylic.key and totvslic.key) enable the release of access for different versions and product lines:

  • applylic.key Used for release of access to products of Microsiga Protheus line (until version 11) and Logix line (until version 11)
  • totvslic.key Used to released the access to TOTVS products

How to apply licenses through file

  1. Notify users the system is unavailable.
  2. Stop TOTVS | License Server.
  3. Backup applylic.key or totvslic.key file previously installed.
  4. Save applylic.key or totvslic.key file in the installation directory of TOTVS | License Server which contains the executable file of TOTVS | Application Server.
  5. Start TOTVS | License Server.