Child pages
  • Type Checking (CTBR070 - SIGACTB)

This report issues a list of accounting entries already typed. It is used to check if entries were made correctly.

Report details:

  • It may have breaks by: lot/document or none;
  • It may be totalized according to breaks mentioned above or do not totalize;
  • It may print all entries of the day or only the day total;
  • Branches can be selected. In the parameter configuration screen, choose Yes for the question Select Branches?. Thus, fields to inform the interval among branches are enabled.


Issuing the Type Checking report:

1. In the Type Checking report issue window, click Parameters.

The system displays the screen to configure the parameters regarding the report.

2. Configure the parameters according to the field help instructions.


Displays the Document History, if defined as Summarized in the Question Group.

This feature is not available for entries posted directly into the system. It is only available for entries posted through integration.

3. Check the configuration and confirm printing of the report.

See Also

  • Standard configuration of reports
  • Customized configuration of reports