This report issues the Statement of Net Equity Changes in the publication format.

Particularity of this report:

  • The report mandatorily uses the feature Configuration of Books.



  • The report customization required by law affects the document validity. That is why, by default, the customization of these documents is blocked in Management Accounting environment. Check configuration of parameter MV_CTBPOFF.
  • To print this report considering the management view with variable balance type, refer to de Management View register with variable balance type.
  • In question Select Branches? you can select branches that are generated in report.


Issuing the report Net equity changes:

1. In the report Net Equity Mutations issue window, click Parameters.

A screen is displayed with report parameters to be configured.

2. Configure them according to field help instructions.


To print the name of management view (defined in table CTS - Items of Management View), configure question "Title with name of the view?" as Yes.

3. Check configurations and confirm the report print.

See Also

  • Standard configuration of reports
  • Configuration of customized reports