
Speaking of Following Communities...

Through this feature, you can follow existing communities in Fluig and receive notifications whenever a new publication is added in the communities that are being followed.

Follow community

01. Click Notify, located in the header of the community you want to follow.

When you click Notify, the button is automatically changed to Stop Notifying, and the user starts to receive a notification whenever a new publication is performed in the community.
To follow a community, the user must be its participant. Moderators and administrators follow the community automatically. In this case, the Notify / Stop Notifying button is not displayed to them.

Stop Following Community

01. Click Stop Notifying, located in the header of the community that is being followed.

When you click Stop Notifying, the button is automatically changed to Notify, and the user will no longer receive notifications when new posts are made in the community. 

Please note!

This documentation is valid from the 1.5.10 update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.