
Speaking of answering evaluation questions...

Evaluations can be pre or posttests – used in training courses and tracks –, reaction evaluations – used in training courses, tracks and classes – or class topic items.

Evaluations are accessed from the area of the course the student is taking – whether it be a class, a training course or a track – or from learning activities, whose source can be evaluation application scheduling, not necessarily related to an item that they are taking.

In this window it is possible to answer the questions that make up an evaluation, comment them, tag them, and rate the evaluation, among other options configured in the evaluation.

The top of the window displays the total number of questions and the question being viewed.

The bottom of the window displays the time remaining to finish the evaluation, as well as the total and percentage of the questions answered on the progress bar.

On the right-hand side of the window, you can browse between evaluation blocks and their questions. The questions that have already been answered are displayed as crossed out and the tagged ones have an icon indicating the tag.


Do you want to understand how to calculate evaluation grades? Go toCalculating evaluation grades and learn all about it.

Answering evaluation questions

01. In the pop-up window, after clicking the option that allows you to take the evaluation from a class, a training course, a track or a learning task, view the general information on the evaluation, such as the minimum and maximum time to finish it, the passing score, and the blocks that compose it, among others.

02. Click Start evaluation, in the upper right corner of the window.

03. Answer the questions that comprise the evaluation, according to what is requested.

To switch between questions, use the Back and Next arrow keys, at the bottom of the window. You can also access the questions by clicking List of questions (in the upper right corner of the window), expanding the question block and clicking the question to be viewed.

You can tag a question to come back to later and, when allowed in the evaluation, add comments to the questions. For more information, go to Tag question and Comment question.

Answering the questions...

  • To order the alternatives in Ordering questions correctly, simply drag them to the position you consider is the correct one.
  • To relate the alternatives in Correlation questions correctly, simply drag the existing point and connect the alternatives you consider correct. As for the Multivalued display mode, simply select the option you consider correct – from the ones displayed – for each alternative.
  • To define the correct value in Scale questions, simply slide the marker along the scale until you find the value you consider correct. To answer Value questions, simply enter the value you consider correct in the displayed field – between the minimum and maximum values provided.
  • To answer Gap questions, simply enter the information you consider correct in the displayed field. To answer Selectable gap questions, simply select the option you consider correct from the ones displayed.
  • Objective questions allow you to select only one correct alternative. It is the same for the Drop-down list display mode: you are allowed to select only one from the options displayed.
  • Multiple choice questions allow you to check several alternatives.
  • Open-ended questions allow you to describe the answer, which later will be corrected by the person responsible for grading the evaluation.

04. After answering all the questions, click End Evaluation – in the lower right corner of the window – to complete the evaluation.

05. In the pop-up message, click Yes to confirm ending the evaluation.

After ending the evaluation – when allowed in the evaluation - you can view the passing status and the obtained score, in numbers and in percentage.

06. If allowed in the evaluation, click Rate evaluation and choose the number of stars to rate the evaluation.

07. Then, if allowed in the evaluation, add a comment.

08. Click Send.

09. Click Review answers to view the questions that were correctly answered and the correct answers to the ones that were not, if the evaluation allows you to view this type of information.

To go back to the evaluation main screen and close it, click Back.

10. Click Log out of the evaluation, at the top of the window.

Tag question

01. While taking the evaluation, click Tag in the question to come back to later.

When tagging a question, it is displayed with an icon indicating the tag in the list of questions.

To untag it, simply remove the tag, i.e. click Tag again.

Comment question

When allowed in the evaluation, for better understanding, you can add comments to each question while answering it, so that the person in charge can assess them and change the question if necessary.

01. While taking the evaluation, access the question to which to add a comment.

02. Click Comment, at the top of the window.

03. Add the comment on the question.

04. Click Comment.


This documentation is valid as of update 1.6.4 – Waterdrop. Previous updates may contain different information than what you see on your platform.

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