
Speaking of groups...

If it is necessary to relate user with the group, by means of this function, it is necessary that users are already properly registered. This registration is made in Users, located in the People container of the Control panel.

The user Group is intended to identify and gather in groups users who have the same interests and goals.

This meeting of users into groups makes it easy to define access permissions to the various functions of the product.

In this window it is possible to connect users with the group in question.

Also possible to include groups that were previously created. When Group B is added to the group, all users of the Group B become part of group a. If the users select the group to all users of the Group A and B will be presented, but when is selected the Group B only users in Group B are presented. This feature is called user groups hierarchy.

User groups can also be added into clouds of relationship-when this feature is active. In this case, when a user group belongs to a cloud of relationship, all of your users can view the contents of the members of the cloud. Consequently, when you include a user to the group, it automatically has access to the content of the cloud. To delete it, it ceases to show the content shared among members of the cloud.

Add group

01. In the main menu, click Control Panel, then check People container and click Group.

After you save a process, you must edit it to include users.

There are two ways to relate a role workflow to a user:

1st paper workflow itself.

2nd option Users/Edit/Register Button/Adicionar. Papers

02. Press Add.

03. Insert the code.

04. Insert the description.

05. To add users to the new group, click Add user.

06. To add roles to the new group, click Add role.

07. To add groups to the new group, click Add group.

When creating a group you can add sub-groups to the new group. These sub-groups are groups created earlier.

08. If necessary it is possible to delete one of the items, to this simply select the item and press Remove.

09. To include any more information you should trigger Register additional data.

When creating a group you can add sub-groups to the new group. These sub-groups are groups created earlier.

10. Press Save.

Edit Group

01. Select the group you want to edit.

02. Press Edit.

03. Change group information.

The code cannot be modified.

04. Press Save.

Define Users

01. Select the Group on which you want to define users.

02. Press Edit.

03. Press Add user.

04. Insert the user (s) that will be part of the group.

05. Press Confirm.

To delete a user who is part of the group, should be selected the user you want to delete and press Delete.

06. Press Save.

Delete Group

01. Select the group you want to delete.

02. Press Remove.

03. Press OK to confirm the deletion.

Please note!

This documentation is valid from the 1.6.5 update - Liquid. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.