
Speaking of listing tasks...

This feature allows managing a set of non-structured activities, via Ad Hoc subprocesses, which cannot always be foreseen and predefined in a traditional structured model within the organizations.

Task list processes consist of grouping a series of activities that cannot be predefined. In these processes, users can define what and when to run such activity, in addition to delegating such tasks to other users.

Examples of usage

Assuming that a committee is analyzing a problem within an organization. The rollup regarding discussions surrounding this problem is available in the second task of the “List tasks” process. The committee discusses such problem and make a decision. If the solution to the problem is obvious, the process flow is forwarded directly to the “Apply solution” task, immediately ending the entire process.

In some cases, however, in-depth studies are required to seek information that was not available during the committee’s meeting. Therefore, several new activities must be created, where several members of the committee will perform different key tasks to achieve a solution to the problem. Such tasks generate new workflow requests within the Ad Hoc task execution internal subprocess.

After that all these tasks are completed, the task organizer receives a notification and then checks if it is now possible to find a solution. If a solution is established by completing the “List tasks” process activities, it is applied to the problem and the process is ended. Otherwise, new activities can be created to continue the search for a solution to the problem.

Listing tasks

01. From the main menu, click Processes.

02. Click List tasks.

03. Enter the required information regarding the subject to be parsed via an Ad Hoc process. 

Subject to be parsed via the Ad Hoc process; that is, subject for which tasks will be created to solve a certain case/issue.

Description of the subject to be parsed via the Ad Hoc process.

Ad Hoc process start date.

End Date.
Estimated Ad Hoc process end date; that is, date by which all its related activities should be finished.

04. Click Add task.

Users can start the Ad Hoc process without creating additional tasks. This type of process can be used in situations where the solution to a certain problem is already known and must only be applied. In this case, the process will follow directly to the Apply the solution activity, requiring only the assignment of a user to perform it before moving it forward.

05. Enter the requested information regarding the task to be added to the Ad Hoc process.

Run the action in this task to fulfill the main objective of the Ad Hoc process, along with others.

Completion deadline for the task associated with the Ad Hoc process. When the task is complete, this field shows the respective completion date.

Person in charge
User responsible for performing all actions related to this task.

To delete a task from the process, click the delete button to the left of the task Action field.

06. Click the Details tab to view the Ad Hoc process diagram.

07. Click the Add-ons tab and enter the key points for the process to be started.

08. Click the Attachments tab to add process attachments.

09. Click Load files or Search ECM, according to the location of the attachment to be added to the process.

10. Select the desired attachment and confirm its addition to the process.

11. Click Send to move the process to additional task creation or to the next automatic task.

If any additional tasks are related to processes moved forward, such tasks are created and made available in the Task Central of the respective users in charge.

If there are no additional tasks, a user responsible for executing the next automatic task (i.e. the Apply the solution task) must be assigned.

In addition to starting the process (by clicking Send), you can just save the entered information (by clicking Save) or discard it (by clicking Discard).


This documentation is valid as of the 1.5.11 update. Previous updates may contain different information than what you see on your platform.