Speaking of Viewing My Tasks Under Management...
The My Tasks Under Management option shows all tasks for processes in which the user is assigned as the manager. This allows the user to monitor the progress of managed tasks.
When moving the activity as a manager, it will be registered on the request history that the activity was carried out by a manager user on behalf of the responsible user.
Viewing My Tasks Under Management
01. From the main menu, click Task Central.
02. Click on the My Tasks under Management tab.
This tab is only displayed when the user authenticates is manager of some process. Accessing it displays all the tasks of the processes under the user's management.
03. View the tasks that belong to the process requests for which the authenticated user is a manager.
Find request under management
01. In the field above the request frame, enter the content by which you want to find the request.
You can find the request by the data of any of the displayed columns, ie by the number, description, requestor, location, responsible, identifier, opening date and deadline.
02. View the required request.
Filter requests under management
01. Activate Filter, located in the action bar.
Clicking this option displays the window in which you can define criteria to be applied when filtering requests that are under the management of the authenticated user. More information can be obtained from Filters.
View request details under management
01. From the list of requests, select and open the request to be viewed.
When you open the request, you can view its details, such as the process diagram, the form, the attachments, and more. More information can be found in Viewing Request Details.
Cancel request
01. In the list of My Tasks under Management, select one of the requests.
02. When selecting and opening the request, on the arrow next to the Send button, select the Cancel request option.
It will be possible to cancel a request by means of the move when the requesting user or a process manager is the one who initiated the request.
Move block requests
01. In the list of requests, select the requests you want to move.
02. Drive Block movement, located in the action bar.
03. Requests will be moved all at once to the next activity.
This new function allows you to move processes of the same type / version / activity at a single time.
Perform request task under management as manager
01. In the request list, trigger the request code from which the task will be executed.
02. On the Add-ons tab, click on Move.
Clicking this option displays the execution window of the current task of the request. More information can be obtained in the Run task to complete.
When the manager performs a task of the request, in his history it is recorded that the execution was done by the process manager on behalf of the responsible user.
Export requests under management
01. Activate Export, located in the action bar.
Activating this option generates a spreadsheet containing all the requests that are under the management of the authenticated user.
Update list of requests under management
01. Activate Update, located in the action bar.
When triggered this option the list of requests that are under the management of the authenticated user is reloaded and updated.