
Speaking of Viewing Tasks in Consensus...

The Tasks in Consensus option shows all tasks originated in process requests, but which do not depend solely on a single user. They are tasks that depend on the consensus of multiple employees, whereas one of the individuals responsible for the task is the respective user.

Viewing Tasks in Consensus

01. From the main menu, click Task Central.

02. Click on the Tasks in Consensus tab.

This option shows all tasks originated from process requests that depend on consensus, in which one of the individuals in charge is the respective user, who has already submitted his/her decision.

03. Select the request to be viewed. To open it, click on their code.

View Information

01. To view request details, select the Process Details tab.

This tab shows general information and details such as location, person responsible and deadline of task, in addition to allowing changes to be made to the consensus decisions, if necessary. 

02. Select the Annotations tab to view the annotations.

The Annotations tab shows a history of annotations with time spent on this request. This tab will only be available if the process has some activity that requires annotations. 

03. Select the History tab to view the history.

The History tab shows a history divided by the request movement sequences, with information such as activity, person responsible, date and observations of movements, is displayed. By standard, only the last movement displays its details. To display the details of another movement, just click it. It is also possible to display the details of all movements by clicking the Display All option. 

04. Select the Attachments tab to view the attachments.

The Attachments tab shows all attachments included in the request. When clicking on one of the attachments, it will be opened if the user has due permission. 

05. Select the Form tab to view the main form.

The Form tab shows the request form, which displays all data completed upon request. This tab will only be available if the process has any linked form configured. 

06. Select the Process tab to view the process flow. 

The Processes tab shows the process flow chart, facilitating identification of current activity and verification of potential progress and regress flows. 

Make or Change Decision

01. Select the Process Details tab

02. Click on Make or Change Decision to change the respective request.

Upon clicking on Make or Change Decision, the task must be finished again after all desired changes are applied. If you do not want to change it, click Close. 


This documentation is valid from update 1.5.10 on. If you use an earlier version, it may contain information different from what you see in your platform.