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Smart Analytics Customization Flow


TOTVS Smart Analytics


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How to customize the project and dashboards of TOTVS Smart Analytics

Step by Step:


TOTVS Smart Analytics is a standard project that offers a business intelligence solution that comprises a range of possibilities of views that support the decision taking of end users. By acquiring the product, the customer need to customize it, such as for example, create new reports or add new fields é um projeto padrão que oferece uma solução de inteligência de negócios que abrange uma gama de possibilidades de visões que apoiam a tomada de decisão dos usuários finais. Ao adquirir o produto, o cliente pode sentir a necessidade de realizar customizações, como por exemplo, criar novos relatórios ou incluir novos campos.

This article deals the possible customizations that may be implemented on TOTVS Smart Analytics project. There are 2 different cases of customization, in one of them, the user wishes to customize the default project, in order to add new fields and/or new tables, to create new reports with these new data. In another situation, the user intends to create reports or dashboards, using what already exists on the default project. This last case does not demand modifications on the default project, that is, if that's the case, you will need only to create the reports/dashboards directly on the front-end.


Customization of Reports and Dashboards

On Smart Analytics you may customize metrics, reports and dashboards, regardless of the customization of new fields or datasets, previously. On front-end, the following cases of customization may be applied:


Project Customization - Modeling and ETL

If the customer needs to add new fields or tables to add more information in its project, you will need to customize it. Customization, generally, interferes in 3 main points of the project: modeling, ETL and the configuration file of Agent. All of these aspects will be mentioned in this article.

The user that customizes must perform it on a local project, never changing the default project. It is recommended to create a copy of the default project on a local project, where customizations will be deployed.



From the moment that the customer edits a graph or metadata that belongs to the default project, the customized project starts to be a complete responsibility of the user, regarding project maintenances and updates.


Below, the 3 possible customization scenarios on Smart Analytics will be displayed, which will be analyzed one by one.



Release related:

Flow: Smart Analytics Update