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  • Configure Password Violation Rule

How to configure rules to monitor system access violations


Microsiga Protheus


11 and 12

Step by step:

To configure violation rule policies:

- Access Configurator > User > Password > Policy

- In the Violation Rules tab, in Blocking Rules, you can configure the number of times the user can try to enter a password before their access is blocked, the waiting interval in minutes between attempts, and how long the user will remain blocked until the number of attempts has been exhausted.
- In the field Block user after n attempts, enter the number of attempts that user will have before being blocked.
- In the field Interval between attempts (minutes), enter the time interval between one attempt and another.
- In the field Unlock user after n minutes, set how long the user will have to wait after being blocked.

- In Parameters you can set a notification for the administrator when the user makes incorrect login attempts. You can also set sending a password by e-mail.
- In the field Notify administrator about block, select Yes if you want the administrator to be notified about blocked users.
- In the field Notify about attempted violation, select Yes if you want the administrator to be notified when a blocked user attempts access.
- In the field Allow sending password by email, select Yes if you want to allow the user to receive a new password in the email when they select the Forgot my password option.

- In Multiple terminals you can configure so that a single user can access several terminals at the same time.
- In the field Inhibit access to more than one terminal, if No is selected, the a same user can access several terminals.
- In the field Block user when accessing another terminal, if the option Yes is selected and the user does not have permission to access multiple terminals, they user will be blocked when an attempt is made to access a second terminal.