1 | “Delete product” | Access that allows or disallows the user to delete products. | Product Register - MATA010 - All of Protheus |
2 | “Change products” |
Access that allows or disallows the user to edit products. | Product Register - MATA010 - All of Protheus |
3 | “Delete registers” | Access that allows or disallows the user to delete registers. | Calendar Exceptions - MATA640 - (SIGAMNT/SIGAPCP) |
Calendar Exceptions - PMSA330 - (SIGAPMS) |
Master - CDAA060 - (SIGACDA) |
Cost Center - CTBA180 - (SIGACTB) |
Cost Center - PCOA130 - (SIGAPCO) |
Cost Center - GSPN030 - (SIGAGSP) |
Storage Zones - DLGA040 - (SIGAOMS/SIGAWMS) |
Occurrences - DLGA290/ DLGA300 - (SIGAWMS) |
Bank contracts - FINA120 - (SIGAFIN) |
4 | “Edit purchase request” | Access that allows or disallows the user to edit a request. | Warehouse Request - MATA105 - (SIGAWMS/SIGAEST) |
5 | “Delete purchase request” | Access that allows or disallows the user to delete a request. | Warehouse Request - MATA105 - (SIGAWMS/SIGAEST) |
6 | “Edit purchase orders” | Access that allows or disallows the user to edit a purchase order. | C. Contract - CDAA010 (SIGACDA) |
7 | “Delete purchase orders” | Access that allows or disallows the user to delete a purchase order. | C. Contract - CDAA010 (SIGACDA) |
8 | “Analyze quotations” | Access that allows or disallows the user to analyze quotations | Analyze Quotations - MATA160 (SIGACOM) |
Analyze Quotations - TRMA133 (SIGATRM) |
9 | “Registration form report” | Access that allows or disallows the user to issue the registration form report. | Registration Form Report - MATR040 (SIGACOM/SIGACDA) |
10 | “Bank report” | Define whether the user is allowed to issue bank report. | Bank Report - MATR070 (SIGAFIN/SIGAFAT) |
11 | “Purchase request list” | Define whether the user is allowed to issue purchase request report. | Purchase request report - MATR140 (SIGACOM) |
12 | "Purchase order list" | Define whether the user is allowed to issue purchase order report. | Purchase Order Report - MATR110/MATR111 (SIGACOM) |
13 | “Edit structures” | Define whether the user is allowed to edit structures. | Structures - MATA200 (SIGAEST/SIGAPCP) |
14 | “Delete structures” | Define whether the user is allowed to delete structures. | Structures - MATA200 (SIGAEST/SIGAPCP) |
15 | “Change TIO” | Define whether the user is allowed to edit the type of inflow and outflow. | Types of Inflow/Outflow - MATA080 (entire system) |
16 | “Delete TIO” | Define whether the user is allowed to delete the type of inflow and outflow. | Types of Inflow/Outflow - MATA080 (entire system) |
17 | “Inventory” | Define whether the user has access to include/edit/delete inventory records. | Inventory - MATA270 (SIGAEST) |
18 | “Monthly closing” | Define whether the user is allowed to process the monthly closing routine. | Monthly closing - MATA280 (SIGAEST) |
19 | "Proc. inventory difference" | Define whether the user is allowed to process the inventory adjustment routine. | Inventory adjustment - MATA340 (SIGAEST) |
20 | “Edit sales orders” | Define whether the user is allowed to edit sales order. | Call Center - TMKA271 (SIGATMK) |
Budget Suggestion - MATA405 (SIGAFAT) |
Sales Orders - MATA410 (SIGAFAT) |
21 | “Delete sales orders” | Define whether the user is allowed to delete sales order. | Order Deletion - TMKA150 (SIGATMK) |
Budget Suggestion - MATA405 (SIGAFAT) |
Sales Orders - MATA410 (SIGAFAT) |
22 | “Edit helps” | Out of use |
23 | “Substitution of provisional bills” | Defines whether the user is allowed to replace provisional bills. | Accounts Receivable - FINA040/FINA740 (SIGAFIN) |
CR Renegotiation - FINA045 (SIGAFIN) |
Periodic Customer - FINA045 (SIGAOFI/SIGAPEC) |
24 | “Inclusion of data via F3” | Define whether the Include button is enabled on the F3 query screens. | Generic system access |
25 | “Service routine” | Define whether the user has access to the service routine. | Over-the-counter Sale - LOJA010 (SIGALOJA) |
Call Center - TMKA271 (SIGATMK) |
26 | “Proc. change” | Out of use |
27 | “Proc. withdrawal” | Out of use |
28 | “Postdated check statement” | Defines whether the user is allowed to make a sale and issue a statement. | Statement - LOJA040 (SIGALOJA) |
29 | “Payment routine” | Define whether the user has access to the payment routine. | Over-the-counter Sale - LOJA010 (SIGALOJA) |
30 | “Receipt routine” | Define whether the user is allowed to the receipt generation routine. | Various Receipts - FINA087A (SIGAFIN) |
Over-the-counter Sale - LOJA010 (SIGALOJA) |
31 | “Exchange of goods” | Defines whether the user is allowed to exchange goods. | Exchanges - LOJA020 (SIGALOJA) |
32 | “Access to price list” | Define whether the user has access to the price list. | Over-the-counter Sale - LOJA010 (SIGALOJA) |
33 | Not used | Not used |
34 | Not used | Not used |
35 | “Access to negotiated condition” | Define whether the user has access to the negotiated condition and allow it to be equal to the sale counter. | Service Routine - LOJA010 (SIGALOJA) |
36 | “Alter system database” | Define whether the user is allowed to alter the system database. | System home screen. |
37 | “Change PO allocations.” | Define whether the user is allowed to change the PO allocations. | Production Order Routine - MATA650 (SIGAEST/SIGAPCP) |
38 | Not used | Not used |
39 | “All level price form.” | Define whether the user is allowed to form prices in all levels. | Price Formation - MATC010 (SIGAEST) |
40 | “Set quick sale” | Out of use |
41 | "Open/close cash" | Define whether the user has access to open/close cash. | Open/Close Cash - LOJA260 (SIGALOJA) |
Open Automatically - LOJA340 (SIGALOJA) |
Close Automatically - LOJA350 (SIGALOJA) |
42 | “Delete store budg/invoice” | Define whether the user is allowed to delete invoices. | Delete Inv/Budg/Ord - LOJA140 (SIGALOJA) |
43 | “Change fixed asset” | Define whether the user has access to change asset. | Purchase Classification - ATFA240 (SIGAATF) |
Assets - ATFA010 (SIGAATF) - Routine disabled in version 12. |
44 | “Delete fixed asset” | Define whether the user has access to delete asset. | Assets - ATFA010 (SIGAATF) - Routine disabled in version 12. |
45 | “Add asset via copy” | Define whether the user has access to add asset. | Assets - ATFA010 (SIGAATF) - Routine disabled in version 12. |
46 | “Negotiated condit. interest rate” | Out of use |
47 | “Release forced TEF sale” | Out of use |
48 | “TEF sale cancellation” | Out of use |
49 | “Register currency at start” | Define whether the currency screen will be displayed when the system starts.” | System start |
50 | “Change Invoice number” | Define whether the user is allowed to change an Invoice number. | Inbound Document - MATA103 (SIGACOM) |
51 | “Issue retroactive invoice” | Define whether the user is allowed to issue retroactive invoices. | Outbound Document - MATA460A (SIGAFAT) |
52 | “Delete settlement - receivable” | Define whether the user is allowed to cancel settlements receivable. | Cancellation of Settlement Receivable - FINA070 (SIGAFIN) |
53 | “Delete settlement - payable” | Define whether the user is allowed to cancel settlements payable. | Settlements payable - Maintenance - FINA080 (SIGAFIN/SIGALOJA) |
Appropriation Payment - FINA080 (SIGAGSP) |
Bank Transaction - FINA100 (SIGAFIN/SIGALOJA) |
Bank/Cash Transactions - FINA100 (SIGAGSP) |
54 | “Include tables” | Define whether the user is allowed to include tables. | Financial Inst. - EICIF100 (SIGAEFF) |
55 | “Edit tables” | Define whether the user is allowed to edit tables. | Financial Inst. - EICIF100 (SIGAEFF) |
56 | “Delete tables” | Define whether the user is allowed to delete tables. | Suspects - TMKA341 (SIGATMK) |
Financial Inst. - EICIF100 (SIGAEFF) |
57 | “Add contracts” | Define whether the user is allowed to add contracts. | ROF - AC102ROF (SIGAEFF) |
58 | “Alter contracts” | Define whether the user is allowed to alter contracts. | ROF - AC102ROF (SIGAEFF) |
59 | “Delete contracts” | Define whether the user is allowed to delete contracts. | ROF - AC102ROF (SIGAEFF) |
60 | “Use SIGAEIC integration” | Check whether the user is allowed to perform integration between SIGAEIC and SIGAEFF. | Loans - AE103EMP (SIGAEFF) |
61 | “Include loan” | Define whether the user is allowed to include loans. | Loans - AE103EMP (SIGAEFF) |
62 | “Alter loans” | Define whether the user is allowed to alter loans. | Loans - AE103EMP (SIGAEFF) |
63 | "Delete loan" | Define whether the user is allowed to delete loans. | Loans - AE103EMP (SIGAEFF) |
64 | "Add leasing" | Define whether the user is allowed to include leasing. | Leasing - AE103LES (SIGAEFF) |
65 | “Alter leasing” | Define whether the user is allowed to alter leasing. | Leasing - AE103LES (SIGAEFF) |
66 | “Delete leasing” | Define whether the user is allowed to delete leasing. | Leasing - AE103LES (SIGAEFF) |
67 | “Include non financ. imp.” | Out of use |
68 | “Alter non financ. imp.” | Out of use |
69 | “Delete non financ. imp.” | Out of use |
70 | “Include financed import” | Define whether the user is allowed to include an import financed by a finance company. | Fin. Bank - AE103IFF (SIGAEFF) |
71 | “Change financed import” | Define whether the user is allowed to change an import financed by a finance company. | Fin. Bank - AE103IFF (SIGAEFF) |
72 | “Delete financed import” | Define whether the user is allowed to delete an import financed by a finance company. | Fin. Bank - AE103IFF (SIGAEFF) |
73 | “Include imp. fin. export.” | Define whether the user is allowed to include an import financed by an exporter. | Fin. Exporter - AE103IFE (SIGAEFF) |
74 | “Change imp. fin. export.” | Define whether the user is allowed to change an import financed by an exporter. | Fin. Exporter - AE103IFE (SIGAEFF) |
75 | “Delete imp. fin. export.” | Define whether the user is allowed to delete an import financed by an exporter. | Fin. Exporter - AE103IFE (SIGAEFF) |
76 | “Add contract” | Define whether the user is allowed to add contract. | Contract IV - AE103CIV (SIGAEFF) |
77 | “Alter contract” | Define whether the user is allowed to alter contract. | Contract IV - AE103CIV (SIGAEFF) |
78 | “Delete contract” | Define whether the user is allowed to delete contract. | Contract IV - AE103CIV (SIGAEFF) |
79 | “Enter Libor rate” | Define whether the user is allowed to process Libor rate entries. | Enter Libor Rate - EFFFAT106 (SIGAEFF) |
80 | “Consolidate companies” | Define whether the user has access to consolidate companies/branches. | Consolidation - CONA210 (SIGACON) |
81 | “Add registers” | Define whether the user has access to add registers. | Calendar Exceptions - MATA640 - (SIGAMNT/SIGAPCP/SIGAPMS) |
82 | “Edit registers” | Define whether the user has access to edit registers. | Calendar Exceptions - MATA640 - (SIGAMNT/SIGAPCP/SIGAPMS) |
83 | “Include currency quotation” | Define whether the user is allowed to include currency quotation. | Exchange - CTBA150 (SIGACTB) |
Currencies - MATA090 (entire system) |
84 | “Alter currency quotation” | Define whether the user is allowed to alter currency quotation. | Exchange - CTBA150 (SIGACTB) |
Currencies - MATA090 (entire system) |
85 | “Delete currency quotation” | Define whether the user is allowed to delete currency quotation. | Currencies - MATA090 (entire system) |
86 | “Add brokers” | Define whether the user is allowed to add brokers. | Broker - EFFAC130 (SIGAEFF) |
87 | “Edit brokers” | Define whether the user is allowed to edit brokers. | Broker - EFFAC130 (SIGAEFF) |
88 | “Delete brokers” | Define whether the user is allowed to delete brokers. | Broker - EFFAC130 (SIGAEFF) |
89 | “Include Imp./Exp./Cons.” | Define whether the user is allowed to include records in importer/consignee registers. | Importer/Consig. - EFFAC120 (SIGAEFF) |
90 | “Change Imp./Exp./Cons.” | Define whether the user is allowed to change records in importer/consignee registers. | Importer/Consig. - EFFAC120 (SIGAEFF) |
91 | “Delete Imp./Exp./Cons.” | Define whether the user is allowed to delete records in importer/consignee registers. | Importer/Consig. - EFFAC120 (SIGAEFF) |
92 | “Clear requests” | Define whether the user is allowed to clear requests. | Requests - QDOA052 (SIGAQDO) |
93 | “View limit file” |
94 | “Print canceled documents” | Define whether the user is allowed to print canceled documents. | Distribution Maintenance - QDOA120 (SIGAQDO) |
95 | “Reactivate canceled documents” | Define whether the user is allowed to reactivate canceled documents. | Distribution Maintenance - QDOA120 (SIGAQDO) |
96 | “Search obsolete doc.” | Define whether the user is allowed to search canceled documents. | Documents - QDOA050 (SIGAQDO) |
Text Search - QDOC010 (SIGAQDO) |
97 | “Print obsolete doc.” | Out of use |
98 | “Search overdue doc.” | Out of use |
99 | “Print overdue documents” | Out of use |
100 | “Def. final report” | Define whether the user is allowed to prepare final reports. | Result Registration - QIEA215 (SIGAQIE) |
101 | “Print param. reports” | Define whether the parameters used in the report issue will be printed. | Generic report access |
102 | “Transfer pending issues” | Define whether the user is allowed to transfer pending issues. | Responsible party/User register - QAXA010 (SIGASGA/SIGAQDO) |
103 | “Use report by email” | Define whether the user is allowed to send system reports by email.” | Generic report access |
104 | “Search client position” | Define whether the user is allowed to search client positions. | Client Position - FINR340 (SIGAFIN) |
Contact Profile - TMKC010 (SIGATMK) |
Settlements payable - Maintenance - FINA080 (SIGAFIN/SIGALOJA) |
Appropriation Payment - FINA080 (SIGAFIN) |
105 | “Maint. temp. abs. all” | Define whether the user is allowed to maintain the temporary absence of all users. | Temporary absence - QAXA040 (SIGAQDO) |
106 | “Maint. temp. abs. user” | Define whether the user is allowed to maintain the temporary absence in their records. | Temporary absence - QAXA040 (SIGAQDO) |
107 | “Price formation” | Indicates whether access to the pricing sheet in the sales order is allowed. | Sales Orders - MATA410 (SIGAFAT) |
108 | “Save parameters answer” | Indicates whether the answers to the questions (SX1) of the routines will be saved in the profile. | Generic system access |
109 | “Set F3 query” | Define whether the user is allowed to set standard queries (F3). | Generic system access |
110 | “Allows editing printer settings” | Define whether the user is allowed to choose a printer other than the one set by the system administrator. | Generic system access |
111 | “Generate rep. on local disk” | Define whether the user is allowed to generate reports on disk on the local drive (client). | Generic report access |
112 | “Generate rep. in the server” | Define whether the user is allowed to generate reports on disk on the server. | Generic report access |
113 | “Include purchase req.” | Define whether the user is allowed to manually include purchase requests. | Purchase request - MATA110 (SIGAMNT/SIGACOM/SIGALOJA/SIGAGSP/SIGAPMS) |
114 | "MBrowse - View other branches” | Define whether the user is allowed to view records from other branches in the browse window (MBrowse). | Generic system access |
115 | "MBrowse - Edits records from other branches" | Define whether the user is allowed to edit records from other branches in the browse window (MBrowse). | Generic system access |
116 | "MBrowse - Allows using filter" | Define whether the user is allowed to use the filter option in the browse window (MBrowse). | Generic system access |
117 | "F3 - Allows using filter" | Define whether the user is allowed to use the filter option in the standard query (F3). | Generic system access |
118 | "MBrowse - Allows configuring columns" | Define whether the user is allowed to configure columns in the browse window (MBrowse). | Generic system access |
119 | “Edit approved budget” | Define whether the user will be allowed to change the budgets already approved in the Accounting environment, when the concept of budget approval is used. | Budgets - CTBA390 (SIGACTB) |
120 | “Review approved budget” | Define whether the user is allowed to review the approved budget. | Budgets - CTBA390 (SIGACTB) |
121 | “Uses printer in server” | Define whether the user is allowed to use a server printer. | Generic system access |
122 | “Uses printer in client” | Define whether the user is allowed to use a station printer (client). | Generic system access |
123 | “Schedule processes/reports” | Define whether the user is allowed to schedule reports to be executed on a certain date. | Generic system access |
124 | “Identical processes in MDI” | Define whether the user is allowed to use identical processes in the MDI environment. For example: use two product registers simultaneously. | Generic system access |
125 | “Different dates in MDI” | Define whether the user is allowed to use different base dates between processes. | Generic system access |
126 | “Cust. reg. in email list” | Use customer register in address list. | Generic system access |
127 | “Supp. reg. in email list” | Use supplier register in address list. | Generic system access |
128 | “Sel. reg. in email list” | Use seller register in address list. | Generic system access |
129 | “Print custom information” | Prints user's comments or not. | Generic report access |
130 | “Respect parameter MV_WFMESSE” | Define whether user settings will be loaded in the Messenger. | Workflow parameters |
131 | “Approve/reject pre-structure” | Define whether the user is allowed to approve or reject pre-structure. | Pre-structure - MATA202 (SIGAPCP/SIGAEST) |
132 | “Create structure based on pre-structure” | Define whether the user is allowed to create a structure based on a pre-structure. | Pre-structure - MATA202 (SIGAPCP/SIGAEST) |
133 | “Manage stages” | Define whether the user is allowed to manage stages. | Pre-stage control (SIGAGAV) |
134 | “Manage expenses” | Define whether the user is allowed to manage expenses. | Expenses (SIGAGAV) |
135 | “Clear expense for billing” | Define whether the user is allowed to clear billing automatically. | Contracts (SIGAGAV) |
136 | “Rel. sales ord. (credit)” | Define whether the user is allowed to release credit. | Credit Release - MATA440 (SIGAFAT) |
137 | “Rel. sales ord. (stock)” | Define whether the user is allowed to release stock. | Stock Release - MATA455 (SIGAFAT) |
138 | “Enable Run option (CTRL + R)” | Define whether the user is allowed to enable the Run (CTRL + R) option. | Generic system access |
139 | “Allow including production order” | Define whether the user is allowed to include production orders. | Production Orders - MATA650 (SIGAPCPSIGAEST) |
140 | "Access via ActiveX" | Define whether the user is allowed to access the system via ActiveX. | Generic system access |
141 | “Delete assets” | Define whether the user is allowed to delete assets. | Assets - MNTA080 (SIGAMNT) |
142 | "Apportionment of item per cost center" |
143 | “Edit customer register” | Define whether the user is allowed to edit customer register. | Generic system access |
144 | “Delete customer register” | Define whether the user is allowed to delete customer register. | Generic system access |
145 | “Enable filters in the reports” | Define whether the user is allowed to delete report filters. | Generic report access |
146 | “Contacts in email list” | Use of the contacts in the report mailing list. | Generic report access |
147 | “Create formulas in reports” | Define whether the user is allowed to create formulas in custom reports. | Generic report access |
148 | “Customize reports” | Define whether the user is allowed to edit custom reports. | Generic report access |
149 | “Access to batch register” | Define whether the user is allowed to maintain batch register. | Batch Register - HSPAHP12 |
150 | "Save parameter response by company” | Define whether saving parameter responses will be by company. | Generic system access |
151 | “Image repository maintenance” | Define whether the user is allowed to maintain an image repository from a register in Protheus. | Generic system access |
152 | “Create customizable reports” | Define whether the user is allowed to create customizable reports from Protheus Report. | Generic system access |
153 | “Permission to use TOII” | Define whether the user is allowed to access TOII. | Generic system access |
154 | “Access to SIGARPM” | Define whether the user is allowed to access the report generator - SIGARPM. | SIGARPM |
155 | “Upper/lower case in standard query” | Define whether the user is allowed to use case sensitive in standard query search. | Generic system access |
156 | “Validate group access per comp/branch” | Determine whether user access validation in Protheus that uses group should be by company and branch. | Generic system access |
157 | "Access base installed in technician reg.” | Define whether the user is allowed to access the "Installed Base" option from the technician register. | Technician Register - TECA300 (SIGATEC) |
158 | "Disable option menu users” | Define whether to display the option "Users"in the "Miscellaneous" part of the user menus. | Generic system access |
159 | "Local printing for graphic component” | Define whether the user is allowed to generate reports that use graphic components for the "Client" environment. | TMSPrinter Class |
160 | "Print in spreadsheet” | Define whether the user is allowed to generate customizable reports on a spreadsheet. | Generic report access |
161 | “Access to confidential scripts” | Define whether the user is allowed to access confidential scripts. | Call Center - Script Updates - Campaign Management |
162 | “Suspect qualification” | Define whether the user is allowed to qualify “Suspect” in “Prospect”. | Call Center - Contract Management - Suspect Register |
163 | “Execution of dynamic scripts” | Define whether the user is allowed to execute dynamic scripts. | Call Center - Contract Management - Suspect, Prospect and Customer Register |
164 | "MDI - Allows closing environment through X" | Define whether the user is allowed to close the MDI environment through the X - "EXIT" in the window. | Generic system access |
165 | “Allow using WalkThru” | Define whether the user is allowed to use WalkThru. | Generic system access |
166 | “Forecast Generation” | Define whether the user is allowed to create the proposal and define the forecast. | Opportunities - FATA300 (SIGAFAT) |
167 | “Mashup execution” | Allow the user to run the configured mashups. | Generic system access |
168 | "Allows you to export PMS worksheet to Excel” | Allows the user to export worksheets to Excel in certain PMS routines. | PMSXFUN |
169 | “Save browse filter with Company/Branch” | Allows the user to save a filter used in MBrowse per user + company/branch and not just per user. | Generic system access |
170 | “Export screens to Excel (Mod 1 and 3)” | Allows the user to export worksheets to Excel in certain PMS routines. | PMSXFUNB |
171 | "If Administrator, you can use SIGACFG” | Allows the user who is part of the Administrator group to access the Configurator. | Generic system access |
172 | "If Administrator, you can use APSDU” | Allows the user who is part of the Administrator group to access the APSDU. | Generic system access |
173 | "If you access APSDU, it is Read-Write” | Allows the user who is part of the Administrator group to access the APSDU and open the files in write and read mode. | Generic system access |
174 | "Access to registration in EventViewer events” | Allows the user to trigger the Event Viewer registration routine. | Generic system access |
175 | "MBrowse - Allows finder use" | Allows the use the finder in all browses of the system. | Generic system access |
176 | "View via F3" | Allows the user to access the View Record option on the standard query screen. | Generic system access |
177 | “Delete purchase order” | Define whether the user is allowed to delete a purchase order. | EICPO400 (SIGAEIC) |
178 | “Edit purchase order” | Define whether the user is allowed to edit a purchase order. | EICPO400 (SIGAEIC) |
179 | “Delete import request” | Define whether the user is allowed to delete an import request. | EICSI400 (SIGAEIC) |
180 | “Edit import request” | Define whether the user is allowed to edit an import request. | EICSI400 (SIGAEIC) |
181 | “Delete customs clearance” | Define whether the user is allowed to delete clearances. | EICDI502 (SIGAEIC) |
182 | “Alter customs clearance” | Define whether the user is allowed to alter clearances. | EICDI502 (SIGAEIC) |
183 | “Include Medical Schedule” | Access that allows or disallows the user to include a Medical Schedule. | MDTA075(SIGAMDT) |
184 | “Edit Medical Schedule” | Access that allows or disallows the user to edit a Medical Schedule. | MDTA075(SIGAMDT) |
185 | “Delete Medical Schedule” | Access that allows or disallows the user to delete a Medical Schedule. | MDTA075(SIGAMDT) |
186 | “Access to Formulas” | Allow or disallow access the Formulas routine | CFGX019(SIGACFG) |
187 | “Use printing setting in Tmsprinter” | Allow or disallow the use of print settings in Tmsprinter. | Tmsprinter Class |
188 | MBrowse - Enable printing | Enable or disable the option to print Browse information | Generic system access |
189 | Access via Smartclient HTML | Verifies user accessibility in Smartclient HTML. | Generic system access |
190 | Save Browse setting by Company/Branch | Enable or disable saving Browse settings by Company/Branch | Generic system access |
191 | Allows manual entries through the Accounting Entries routine. | Allow or disallow manual entries through the Accounting Entries routine | Routines involved CTBA101, CTBA102, CTBA103 and CTBA104 |