PREPARING THE CURRENT VERSION FOR MIGRATION Prepare a test base, making a cold backup (all services stopped) and consistent (of appropriate folders and database) of production base. If your Data Base is Relational (use DBACCESS), you must run the verification process of duplicated records for all companies. Wizard executed from CHECKDUPL routine via Configurator, which has the updating of the standard data dictionary in the SYSTEMLOAD as a requirement.. To download the dictionary, follow the procedures of this link: Update Protheus 11 Data Dictionary Create in the Protheus_Data folder, the MIGRATION folder, and unzip the Full data dictionary of version 11. In the verification of duplicity the SX2.UNQ, use version 11 as reference for verification. See Instructions for the verification of duplicities in the link: CheckDupl Routine – Checks the Integrity of Duplicated Records Uninstall the Stored Procedures through Configurator for the current version. Remember that such procedure must be executed along with DBA responsible for the database, as it has customizations in the Stored Procedures, and if it is the case, the DBA can make the backup to reapply such customizations after the migration for version 12. If you have questions on the uninstalling/installing of Stored Procedures, open a new ticket with the Framework team.
2. INSTALLATION OF PROTHEUS 11 Link for the Installation Form of Protheus 11: Protheus Installation Form – 118396 Install Protheus 11 Configure files appserver.ini (Server) and smartclient.ini (Client); Update the binary of the system (APPSERVER, SMARTCLIENT and SMARTCLIENTACTIVEX); Unzip content of folder ace_8.00 (only the ACE_8.00) in the folder bin\appserver of the base;
3. UPDATING THE SYSTEM Update the Binary, RPO and LIB of Protheus 11 Procedure of update in the link: Basic updating of Protheus 11
4. UPDATING THE DATABASE If the version in production is previous to version 10: Change the content of parameter "STARTPATH" of each environment of the Appserver.ini file, if the directories of the data dictionary and the database are different than the standard of the Protheus version 8.11 (SYSTEM and DATA respectively). According to the configuration of the parameter "STARTPATH" of the file Mp8srv.ini (Server) of the Protheus version 8.11. - Change the names of the directory SYSTEM and DATA of Protheus 11 system, according to the configuration of the previous item - Copy the content of the folders SYSTEM, DATA and PROFILE of Protheus system (Current version) for your respective folders of Protheus 11 system; Check whether space available in the server hosting the database of Protheus 11 system is at least 3x larger than the size of the database of Protheus system (Current version).
5. UPDATING THE DATA DICTIONARY You must update the Data Dictionary files (sxsbra.txt) and Fields Help in the Systemload folder Procedure of update in the link: Data Dictionary: Update Protheus 11 Data Dictionary Fields Helps: Update the Field Help
6. CLEANING FOLDERS Delete files *.DBF/.CDT* of the folder SYSTEMLOAD Delete the files *.IDX of the folder SYSTEMLOAD Delete the files *.LOG and *.SPS of the SYSTEM folder Delete the files *.TSK of the APPSERVER folder
7. EXECUTING COMPATIBILITY PROGRAM OF MIGRATION In the Smartclient of the version 11, execute in the Initial Program: MP710TO110 In Data Directory, select the folder (\DATA) In Configuration of the Update execution, we indicate keep only the options Log of Critical Error e Correct errors automatically enables, remembering the option to adjust errors automatically runs the modifications of the base by the system itself NO select option Keep existing log file Click Next / Next Wait the process of compatibility program. f during the process, critical errors that cannot be automatically adjusted arise, they must be MANUALLY adjusted, using as base the Critical Errors (below), or inquiring the Support if the error is not listed
8. UPDATE THE MENU OF THE MODULES To download files, access: Customer Portal: Menu Downloads and Updating Protheus Line - Microsiga Protheus Version 11 All Category: Menu of module Download the file MENUS - BRASIL Note: if versions are not being displayed, in "Filters of packages", select "All packages available", then select the category again. To update it: Stop Protheus (Appserver) server Backup files .xnu of \Protheus_Data\system folder Remove all menu files of folder system (.xnu). Copy .xnu files downloaded from the portal for this folder. Restart the Protheus server (Appserver) Remember the customized menus need to be redone, as there are routines of version 11 that do not exist in the RPO of the version 11.
CRITICAL ERRORS In case of critical error, the customer must make the proper adjustments, then delete file in which directives of installation (mpupd.tsk) located in the directory "...\bin\appserver", then run routine MP710TO110 again. Not deleting this file, migration continues from the point it previously stopped. Link with adjustment of the most common critical errors: Most common critical errors in migrations |