Child pages
  • Sigapss folders and menus in customized paths

Configuration to define path of these folders that are different than usual


Microsiga Protheus


11 and 12


In situations in which you must set different paths for sigapss.spf file and the menus folder, you can configure through specific lines in the appserver.ini file. The lines must be added to the environment section desired.
The lines to be set are:

PSWpath= Indicates the path of file sigapss.spf to be used by this environment. Indicate only the subfolder, which is a folder in the RootPath. Example: PSWpath=\pasta_pss\

MenuPath= Indicates the path of file menus (.xnu) to be used by this environment. Indicate only the subfolder, which is a folder in the RootPath.

Note: the configuration of location of .xnu files in the folder also depends on the configuration of users in the Configurator. For example, as default, users have in each environment the indication of the System folder before each menu file (\system\sigacom.xnu, for example). So, you must have a folder with this name in the folder indicated in the MenuPath. For example, using the MenuPath as below (\pasta_menus), the folder in the RootPath (generally Protheus_Data) must have folder pasta_menus, and, inside this folder, a system folder.

Example: MenuPath=\pasta_menus\

Below a practical example of environment in the apperserver.ini and folders:

Code Block
SourcePath=C:\TOTVS 12\Microsiga\protheus\apo\
RootPath=C:\TOTVS 12\Microsiga\protheus_data
CtreeRootPath=C:\TOTVS 12\Microsiga\protheus_data

Sigapss.spf folder Menus folder:

Folder of menus:

Configuration of users:

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