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  • UPDDISTR executed via Job

How to run UPDDISTR without graphic interface


Microsiga Protheus



Step by Step:

From LIB version 20180413, the UPDDISTR has option to be run via job. To run it this way, follow these steps:

1. Open file appserver.ini of Application Server, then add the lines below:

• Create a new section for Job of UPDDISTR:

Code Block

• In the section [OnStart], add line Jobs= to the Job that has just been created:

Block Code

2. In the folder Systemload, creates a file JSON called upddistr_param.json, with the following content:

Code Block


password = Password of admin user

simulacao = Enables simulation mode, where no modification is made

localizacao = Country that must be used

sixexclusive = Use file of indexes per company

empresas = List companies that are migrated, separated by comma l

ogprocess = Process Log

logatualizacao = Updating Log

logwarning = Warning Error Log

loginclusao = Inclusion Log

logcritical = Critical Error Log

updstop = Enables to interrupt process during execution

oktoall = Adjust error automatically

deletebkp = Delete backup files at the end of each table updating

keeplog = Keep existing log file

3. When restarting Application Server, the Job created will read this JSON file, then start the migration process without graphic interface.

4. After migration process, a file (Result.json) is generated in the folder \Systemload\ with the following results:

If it ended with success:

Code Block
{ "result":"success"}

  • If errors occurred:

    Code Block
    { "result":"error. Undetermined error during execution of the system."}

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