
The objective of this document is to specify how to configure Fluig Identity for RM line.

Minimum requirements

In order to use SAML integration, make sure that:

  1. The RM version is greater than or equal to
  2. 8051 port is available. Further information: Configuring HTTPport

Configuring IdentityProvider

To connect RM with Fluig Identity, it is necessary to configure IdentityProvider. For this configuration, we need the file IdentityProvider.

This file is obtained directly from Fluig Identity. In the application settings click the "Download IDP metadata" option. An XML file will be generated.


Access the RM system and in any segment access the "Environment | Parameters | Parameters | Global" tabs/menus. In the "Fluig integration" tab. Click on the ellipsis of the setting "Identity Provider | Metadata Identity Provider – RM.exe, Portal:"

Upload the XML files for the product (RM.exe and portal).

Choose the type of integration and save the settings.

Watch the video: How to enable SAML integration

Errors associated


"Error: IdentityProvider certificate invalid. Configure IdentityProvider in RM to establish the communication between them. This configuration is performed in global parameters. "


√ Access the RM system as a user with supervisor status. Select "Environment | Parameters | Parameters |Global". In the "Fluig integration" tab, associate the XML file with the Identity Provider settings.

"Error: SAML integration is disabled. Configure "type of integration" in RM. This configuration is performed in global parameters. "


√  Access the RM system as a user with supervisor status. Select "Environment | Parameters | Parameters |Global". In the "Fluig integration" tab choose "Type of integration" to be used.


"Error: Database alias not found."


√ Go to the directory "C:\totvs\CorporeRM\ RM.Net" of the machine/server where the host service is running. Edit the file "RM.Host.Service.exe. config"and add the tag"< add key="DefaultDB" value="CorporeRM" />”. The value of this tag should have the same name as the one assigned to its alias. In our example: CorporeRM.  

Note: It is necessary to restart the RM host service so that the change is successful. Therefore, make sure this action is scheduled for completion.

"Error: There is more than one user associated with the same email, and integrated login will not be possible."


√ Access RM as a user with supervisor status. Select the "Global Services" segment. Click on the "Security | Access | Users" tab. Search among the registered users, the users that contain the same email address used in Fluig login. Correct the registration of those users with their real email addresses.

"Error: There is no user associated with the email address, and it will not be possible to perform integrated login.”


√ Access RM as a user with supervisor status. Select the "Global Services" segment. Click on the "Security | Access | Users"tab. Select the user that will be associated with Fluig. Edit the user and in the email field enter the email on Fluig login.