Child pages
  • DebugThreadUsedMemory


Use it to monitor the memory consumption, by process, of the TOTVS | Application Server.

This key enables a column in the TOTVS | Monitor, in which you enter the amount of memory used for each process presented by monitoring. It also provides, in critical moments of the Appserver (and at closing), further details on the memory usage of applications in its log file.

Valid Values

0 (Default)Disable



  • When you enable this key, a column is added to the TOTVS | Monitor for entering the amount of memory used for each process displayed by monitoring.
  • If the environment uses load balancing, we recommend you to set this parameter, if enabled, in all services of the TOTVS | Application Server involved in balancing, including the Master/Balance service.
  • After you enable/disable this key, in section [General], you must exit the TOTVS | Application Server and then restart it, because this configuration only becomes effective when the TOTVS | Application Server is started up. 

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