

One of the new features of Fluig is the possibility of using an entire set of new components from the BPMN 2.0 notation, enabling not only the automation of a process but also enabling its documentation for the organization. These new components enable the extension of features already created with the old components and can be accessed using the BPMN Extended button located on the toolbar of your IDE. This button allows toggling between the Main and Extended modes. When this button is pressed, it will have an immediate effect upon the palette of components of process modeling.

When accessing the BPMN Extended mode, you will have an increase of 33 new elements that may be used in any Fluig process that you may have in your organization today, extending its features.

Conditional Script

One of the new concepts found in BPMN 2.0 is the addition of conditional scripts. Conditional scripts are developed using javascript language, and allow Fluig to query external services allowing the creation of more elaborate processes. Conditional scripts are usually linked to schedulers that determine the period or frequency in which these scripts are executed. When the script is able to return a logical value equal to true means that the script was executed successfully, handling workflow requests according to modeling element used. 


Signals is a new type of communication between processes created for fluig. Using signals, a process may handle or start one or more workflow requests according to the signal configured. The best way to describe the operation of signals is with an example. Below we have the process of an automobile sale in which the client has just confirmed the purchase. The activity after the purchase activity is an intermediate event of sending a signal that has a configured signal, named "VendaEfetivada".

The intermediate event sends the signal and immediately proceed to the next activity, allowing the customer to have the automobile in his/her possession immediately.  The company that sold the car has an insurance department that has a process integrated by a signal. It awaits the purchase confirmation from the customer to immediately begin assembling the insurance policy and attempts to contact the customer with an offer for auto insurance.

The insurance department process has an initial signal-receiving event. Every time the store confirms the sale of an automobile, a new workflow request is automatically opened in the insurance process that shortly thereafter seeks to contact the customer with an offer for insurance. 

Meanwhile, the automobile factory that has finished cars in stock is also monitoring the same signal sent by the store, and begins its process to replace the automobiles in the store.

Simply by configuring the signals that the events operate, a new type of integration can be created between different processes in different departments, without any additional programming or customization.




For a complete understanding of this guide, the user should have advanced knowledge of the BPMN Main mode. Otherwise, please seek training sessions from TOTVS Academy.

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