
Speaking of evaluation history...

This area displays all evaluations completed by the authenticated user, as well as those in which he/she is assigned as a grader.

Other users’ evaluation histories can be viewed if the respective user has due permission.

To view the completed evaluation, it must allow checking correct/incorrect student answers and the correct questions.

The evaluation regrading option is only available to the evaluation grader.

View evaluation history

01. In the main menu, place the mouse over Evaluations.

02. Click Evaluation history.

03. View all evaluations completed and those to be graded by the authenticated user.

View specific student’s history

Student history viewing permission is required to perform this procedure. 

01. In Performer, enter the name of the student to view their completed evaluation history.

02. View all evaluations performed by the respective student.

View completed evaluation

01. Click View evaluation in the line of the evaluation to be viewed.

This option is only available when the evaluation allows checking correct answers or assessing the number of correct/incorrect answers. 

02. View the evaluation and permitted information regarding its questions.

03. Click Close to return to the main window.

Regrade evaluation

01. Click Regrade, located in the line of the evaluation to be regraded.

This option is only available to the evaluation grader. 

02. In the window displayed, select the essay question to be regraded in the table to the left.

03. Enter the question regrading information required.

Required information:

New score
New score assigned to the student in the essay question.

New comment
New comments regarding the essay question grading, duly justifying the regrading process.

04. Click Save to confirm the question’s new score; or Back, if desired.

Please note!

This documentation is valid from the 1.6.1 update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.