#translate is a translation directive that define commands and pseudofunctions. Each directive specifies a translation rule. The rule consists of two portions: a match pattern and a result pattern. The match pattern matches a command specified in the program (.prw) file and saves portions of the command text (usually command arguments) for the result pattern to use. The result pattern then defines what will be written to the result text and how it will be written using the saved portions of the matching input text.
#command and #translate are similar, but differ in the circumstance under which their match patterns match input text. A #command directive matches only if the input text is a complete statement, while #translate matches input text that is not a complete statement. #command defines a complete command and #translate defines clauses and pseudofunctions that may not form a complete statement. In general, use #command for most definitions and #translate for special cases.
#command and #translate are similar to but more powerful than the #define directive.
#command and #translate directives have the same scope as the #define directive. The definition is valid only for the current program (.prw) file. If defined elsewhere, the definition is valid from the line where it is specified to the end of the program file.
When defining a command, there are several prerequisites to properly specifying the command definition. Many preprocessor commands require more than one #command directive because mutually exclusive clauses contain a keyword or argument. For example, the @...GET command has mutually exclusive VALID and RANGE clauses and is defined with a different #command rule to implement each clause.
This also occurs when a result pattern contains different expressions, functions, or parameter structures for different clauses specified for the same command (e.g., the @...SAY command). For example, there is a #command rule for @...SAY specified with the PICTURE clause and another for @...SAY specified without the PICTURE clause. Each formulation of the command is translated into a different expression. Because directives are processed in stack order, when defining more than one rule for a command, place the most general case first, followed by the more specific ones. This ensures that the proper rule will match the command specified in the program (.prw) file.