
Fields regarding Clients are only displayed in the screen when the Cost file is accessed by Human Resources module (SIGAGPE, SIGACSA, SIGARSP, SIGATRM, SIGAAPD, SIGAAPT and SIGAPON).

In the personnel management, the cost centers classify departments where employees are allocated allowing accounting control per area/department, regarding expenses with people, self-employees, Pro-labore etc.

Besides this, there is the concept of service client, which regards a legal classification required by generation of SEFIP - FGTS Collection Company System and Social Security Information, in order to inform the data of the company providing services to the Social Security, with assingment of labor and temporary work company (Law No. 6,019/74), regarding employees assigned, or civil construction work - partial or full work or work itself.

GPS - Social Security Form also considers information of service clients in its generation and the withholding values obtained in this cost center is deducted from GPS.


Suppose a security company, Guarda Todos S/A, under CNPJ No. 123,456,789/0001-99, which maintains employee Almir Gomes in the position of security guard under CLT regime.

Guarda Todos S/A pays the salary of employee Almir, as it is his employer, and its activity is to provide security services, physically allocating its employees to work with its clients.

Now, suppose Clínica Veterinária Pedigree Ltda., under CNPJ No. 122,334,445/0001-00, who, as a client, required security services from Guarda Todos S/A.

This way, Guarda Todos maintains its employee Almir Gomes at Clínica Veterinária Pedigree, as the clinic's security guard.

To Guarda Todos, Clínica Pedigree is the security service client.

Thus, a cost center for Clínica Veterinária Pedigree Ltda. must be created, informing the clinic's information, as the following:

Cost Center




Currency Description 1


Client Name

Clínica Veterinária Pedigree Ltda.

Client Address

Av. das Acácias, 1200

Client District

Vila das Flores

Client Postal Code


Client City




Client Registration Type


Select type of registration under which the client is registered: if 1 - CNPJ or 2 - CEI.



The client company can be registered under CNPJ - National Corporate Taxpayer Register or CEI - INSS Specific Register, with their registration number entered in this field, according to selection of prior field Client Registration Type.

Invoice Value


Enter amount of gross values of tax invoices or service rendering invoices issued to each contracting party during the month, due to contribution set by article 22, item IV, of Law No. 8,212/91, with wording by Law No. 9,876/99, if the exclusive parameters of payroll 15 - GPS Supplement does not include this amount.

Value Withheld


According to Law 9,711/98, you must enter the value corresponding to the amount of withholdings occurred during the month, including the increase of 2%, 3% or 4% corresponding to services provided in conditions that allow the granting of special retirement (art. 6 of Law No. 10,666, of 5/8/03), and this value is deducted from GPS, if the exclusive parameter of payroll 15 - GPS Supplement does not include this amount.

In this case, you can also consider levels of exposition to harmful agents differentiated per cost centers.

Besides this, for Personnel Management, other fields are also important for calculation and generation of forms, and they must be filled out as the following:

% Work-related Accidents


% Third Parties


These parameters must be informed when this percentage is different than the parameters informed in parameters exclusive of payroll 14 - Company Charges.

See Also

  • Personnel Management
  • SEFIP Generation
  • Electronic GPS Generation
  • Exclusive Parameters