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  • Lot Cover - Paraguay (CTBA101 - SIGACTB)


Lot cover is the identifier of accounting entry. Information entered in the lot cover is used to locate the accounting entry later.

Below you can find some important information about lot cover fields:


  • At least one valid Accounting Calendar  must exist for the date entered.

Refer to the topic Accounting Calendar.

  • There must be at least one valid Accounting Currency for the date entered.

Refer to the files Accounting Currencies and Currency vs. Calendar.

  • To prevent typing on an undue date, configure the status of the period as Blocked in the option Accounting Calendar.


  • Content of parameter MV_LOTECON = T. Lot number is generated from Table 09.
  • Content of parameter MV_LOTECON = U. Lot number is the last number available in Accounting Entries file plus 1 for the date entered.


This field is a classifier of operations for accounting entry because it can be generated when integration among systems is accounted.


In Standard Entry 500 (Accounts Receivable), the Sub-lot number can be 001. In Standard Entry 510 (Accounts Payable), the Sub-Lot number can be 002, etc.

Through this numbering, the system transaction generating that accounting entry can be quickly identified.

The number can only be entered manually if parameter MV_SUBLOTE is blank. If this parameter is configured, its content is displayed on screen and saved without user intervention.


This number is suggested by the system: the last number entered plus 1.


  • The search key of an accounting entry is as follows: Date+Lot+Sub-lot+Document.
  • For further details about fields, check the field help.