Child pages
  • Accounting Entries - Peru (CTBA101 - SIGACTB)

For entries related to the free group (group 9), complementary entries must be generated with accounts entered in Chart of Accounts through the fields Entry Account (CT1_CTPART) and Counter-entry Account (CT1_CTCPAR).

Type of transaction in counter entry of complementary entry must be of the same type made for the free group account in the main entry.

If accounts of main entry belong to a free group, entry and counter entry accounts are recovered for each one of them, and complementary entries are generated.

Complementary entries have the same data of main entry: date, lot, document, value (same currency), history, journal, and other accounting entities.


In main entry, one or more accounts belonging to a free group may exist. In this case, a complementary entry is generated for each one of them.